Small businesses and non-profits are especially hard hit during the coronavirus outbreak. We get it! Baltimore Fishbowl is a small business, too. To help small businesses and non-profits, we will provide regular updates to let you know how they are coping. 

The following is an update from Maury Weinstein, President and Co-Founder of System Source, on how they are adapting and coping during these times.

How have you altered your business to adapt to the quarantine?
Our goal is making working from home transparent to our clients and each other. We’re emphasizing extra sharp communication because we can’t walk over to someone for escalation or resolution. Our marketing and sales efforts have turned to client education because of the slower economy and because an educated prospect is our best customer.

Because information technology is considered an essential business, our teams are in the field, equipped safely, for presentation room installation. These collaboration rooms will be ready when our clients return to the office.

Are you doing something for the community or your employees that you want to share with our readers?
Early on, we provided more than two weeks of additional sick days for staff or to care for themselves or dependents. We wanted to make sure no one had an incentive to work when sick.

What is the status of your employees?
Safe and sound at home with their families. Everyone is fully deployed working on something really important to our clients.

How can readers help you get through the crisis?
We’ll take comments and ideas from anyone anytime.

How are you coping, personally?
Concerned about my kids in the virus hotspots of San Francisco and Portland.

Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

We have had a Fun Committee running for 10+ years which creates fun in the workplace. It is a committee without management involvement. We kept it in place during the last recession without hesitation.

Our Fun Committee created an activity recently with this challenge:

“Share a story about weird things your pets are doing but refer to them as your co-workers.”  For example: “I just took my lunch out of the microwave and set it on the counter when my co-worker picked it up in her mouth and ran under the couch to eat it!“

I would like to introduce my new co-worker, Jasper. He insists on formal dress for the office, even on casual Friday you will see he is wearing a tie. Jasper’s co-workers find this very annoying because we prefer a more relaxed dress code. Jasper is very devoted to his work – he spends all day in the office helping but insists on snack and lunch breaks out of the office.
Tucker thinks he is helping…he isn’t 🙂
My new coworkers Pippa and Clover are content to lay in the dog bed in the office all day while waiting for their afterwork walk. Not sure how management feels about how little work they are getting done though.
I’m about to report Brody to HR. When she’s not sleeping, she’s just goofing around!

Learn more about System Source by visiting their website.

If you represent a local small business or non-profit and would like to share your update with our readers, contact Nicole Allen at During the crisis, we will offer these sponsored posts for free as a service to the community.

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