catch of the day fish (2)

A new book about the history of Baltimore’s gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community is set to be released. The community is invited to celebrate on Sept. 28 at the University of Baltimore.

LBGT Baltimore, by Louise Parker Kelley, is a book of photos and recollections of the history of the gay community in Baltimore. Crucial to the project was an archival effort by UB’s Langsdale Library, which gathered and archived materials from Mt. Vernon and the surrounding community.

The release party will be held at the University student center’s Bogomolny Room (21 Mt. Royal Ave.) Along with a signing by Kelley — who led the Baltimore Justice Campaign — the event will also feature displays of photos and artifacts. The event begins at 7 p.m.

Stephen Babcock is the editor of Baltimore and an editor-at-large of Baltimore Fishbowl.