The Washington Post has written a review of the Hotel Brexton, where Wallis Warfield Simpson once lived.

At the Hotel Brexton, the nonessential questions — Where do I park? When is breakfast served? What’s my room number? — could wait. So could sniffing the toiletries and checking the bed’s bounce. Before all else, I needed to know: Where, oh where did the Duchess of Windsor sleep?

Wallis Simpson, the American-born wife of Britain’s King Edward VIII, makes the best-of  lists of swooning romances and royal scandals. While your guy showed his love by giving up beer for breakfast, her amour abdicated the English throne. Hard to top that sacrifice, eh? But keep in mind that Simpson, nee Bessie Wallis Warfield, hardly jumped straight to the chapter where the godmother shows up with a shiny dress and a prince. She suffered some rough patches first.

Read the rest of the story at The Washington Post