Virtual Coffee with Headmaster Chris Post
Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 9:30 – 10:30 AM
Register Today!

We invite you to join us for our Virtual Coffee with Headmaster Chris Post on Wednesday, April 14, from 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM.  You’ll have a chance to meet Chris and hear him talk about Boys’ Latin’s commitment to our students and our families. A commitment to bringing our boys back to campus five days a week and to ensuring that they are connected, engaged and thriving.  A commitment to strengthening our bonds and building community.  A commitment to setting ever-higher standards so our boys learn and earn the value of hard work.  And a commitment to leveraging the power of our small School, creating space for many leaders rather than just a few.

Chris has stood proudly at the helm of Boys’ Latin for almost thirteen years and, throughout his time, he has led by example. Whether it’s attending a sporting event, sharing stories about the School’s history or handing out noisemakers to lower school boys on Halloween, Chris is engaged with the students.  He not only knows their names, but he knows what subjects they like, how they spend their time outside of school or the results of their last cross country meet.  And this sets the tone for the campus and the community.  You see, at Boys’ Latin each we leverage the power of our small school ensuring every one of our students is known — for who he is today, and all he will be tomorrow.

We hope you will join us and discover what we already know: that Boys’ Latin is the perfect place to prepare your son for the future, and ensure that he is ready to make his mark on the world.


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