The Phelps family, Courtesy Michael Phelps/Facebook

Baltimore’s favorite Olympian has spent his historic career training hard, eating a lot and getting very crucial amounts of good sleep. The third of those activities has apparently led him to sign on to an endorsement deal with a startup mattress company.

Virginia Beach-based Leesa Sleep announced today that it has signed Michael Phelps and fellow Olympian Aly Raisman to endorse their brand. The two-year-old company is among a select few that have earned the unique label of being “disruptive” mattress companies. The company has quickly made a name for itself in the bed-selling world by cutting out mattress stores from its business model and selling its high-rated products to customers straight from its website. It’s also gained a reputation for making a social impact by donating one mattress to a shelter for every 10 sold.

Phelps said in a release from the company that getting good sleep has remained an important part of his life even in retirement, particularly as he travels. “I’m excited to partner with Leesa and help people of all ages understand the importance of sleep in their life,” he said in a statement.

Raisman, who is 22 and is still a competing athlete, echoed Phelps’ feelings about shuteye, saying in a statement that “sleeping is so important to my recovery and ability to train at an elite level.”

These endorsements aren’t the company’s only connections to the world of sports. Last month, Leesa Sleeps entered into a multi-year partnership with the Washington Redskins down the beltway.

Phelps had had a pretty incredible 2016. In addition to setting an all-time record for medal wins in Rio, he had a song, got his own ice cream flavor, got married and managed to hide it and moved away from Baltimore to a mansion in Arizona. Now he’ll likely be getting free comfy mattresses. What more can a retired athlete ask for?

Ethan McLeod is a freelance reporter in Baltimore. He previously worked as an editor for the Baltimore Business Journal and Baltimore Fishbowl. His work has appeared in Bloomberg CityLab, Next City and...